The Great Awakening The Plan Joe M -Video Summarizes Awakening 6/29/18

Wanted to add one of the best summary videos on the Great Awakening and a few comments.    Hope you Enjoy 🙂   Please hit ‘Q’ link picture below to watch video.

See Joe Mes Channel

The above video summarizes the Great Awakening better than any one vid I have seen.   While it did not cover the churches role in the Awakening, it is a good  ‘share’ video for your family and friends.   Remember, we  don’t have to agree with all of it (the title for starters lol) in order for us to unite in the Greatest Move of the Lord that has occurred  in the past several centuries.    Comments about this historic revival, along with other support sites are listed below.

Psalm 82:3  Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; uphold the rights of the afflicted and oppressed.

Kennedy spelled it out for us-made it ‘crystal clear’, before he was stopped Link

We have been educated and warned for generations  Link 

The Bible gives us the true origin of evil, and it’s purpose Link

The Lord does not keep us in the dark, He reveals His ways to His prophets.  For example, the Allies did not need the ‘polished politician’ Arthur Chamberlain to defeat the evil ruler Hitler (he was fooled), but a brash and decisive Churchill

Enter, The Trump Prophecies (remember, they said he did not have a chance). All these men listed below  wrote books and prophecies before the election, dating as far back as 2007.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

Kim Clement Link

Mark Taylor  Link 1 Link 2 

Lance Wallnau (he starts speaking around min. 4:30) Link

Proverbs 31:9
Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the cause of the poor and needy.

Layman’s translation….the Lord wants us help stop the evil and corruption-in other words, we have to ‘speak out and act’ for them. This will make the light in His church so much brighter

 Before the Lord comes back…He is going to start His great move by what is described as a mustard seed Mk. 4:30-32.   An extremely small move that will explode in His glory. This is exactly what happen when the Lord came the first time. It started with only 2 boats of fisherman in Lk. 5, the hundreds of others were out at sea. There were only 12 left when things got a little radical…the thousands left back to the synagogues Jn. 6:67. The Lord is moving…it has been confirmed by His prophecies (and the fulfillment of those prophecies) and by the unity of the Spirit to those who are awake. What I am supposed to mention is the Lord is wanting His church to unite in the Spirit, to awake and walk as one. The choice is ours, let’s make it the one where we truly share in the glory of the Lord 

Note On the Author

The patriot that created this video…wow…you could feel his sincerity of getting out this message, helping those who need to know…for many, seeing the hand of the Lord move nations from darkness to light.
Was checking out his channel and stumbled on his statement if he accepts donations…see his comment below 

‘Many people have asked permission to share. Some want to donate or pay. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don’t care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want.

Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain.

The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time.

You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story.’

Wow, this guy seems to be for real…Joe Masepoes Channel

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