Update The New Church-City on the Mountain


Update on the Coming New Church

Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city built on a mountain cannot be hidden.

Wanted to share some things that the Lord was showing about the New Church a few days ago.

Isaiah 43:18-19 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth;
(the Radiant Church Eph. 5:27, City on a hill-above verse)

So many times  He confirms how much I don’t know and how much I need Him to figure things out..lol

He was showing a simple building block, like one used for construction on most buildings. Nothing fancy by itself, but it has something special attached in it, there was a piece of the glory of God fused within. I thought the glory part looked beautiful….thinking- that’s cool, but I was so clueless.

A few minutes later He showed a large rock, the size of a boulder, but usable to build upon. This boulder also had the glory of God, but it was eternal, Jesus being the true Rock of the Church (Matt. 16:18)… I was still clueless however to the meaning for the glory in these objects.

The next thing He showed was the simple building block with a small piece of the Lords glory was going to be connected to its’ foundation, the Rock of Jesus. It needed to be truly connected to this Rock with Glory to maintain the glory that it had.

To build a church upon this Rock, only the blocks that had glory in them could be cemented to other building blocks that had glory also. It was like the glory was the cement and the more blocks that were attached the more the His glory increased  for light to the world.

It was clearly understood that if the blocks did not have glory, it would be impossible to attach to this Rock, they just did not connect.
While He did not explain a lot in detail, you could understand that the churches who were ‘alive’ in the Light of Life, were the ones who were able to come together in this coming time. It meant ‘everything’ to have this living-glory in them.  You also knew, there were churches whose focus was ‘off’, could not see the glory and the purpose of a uniting in this glorious church. It was like the Heartbeat and Purpose of the Lord was going to abide in this ‘City on the Mountain’ and those outside of this the glory were missing out on the presence of the living God.

Thanks for reading, earlier this week was getting a lot of support scripture that gives some more detail, will try and get it out this week.

God bless,


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