God is Calling, Are We Ready to Pick Up

A while ago I met someone who in my opinion would be labeled as a genius. He had degrees from ‘academia’…but was also self taught in aerodynamics and engineering. While he came across a bit ornery-lol-I really enjoyed talking to him-he was a likable person.
His background was in science and it did not take long to discuss how all these things in life-what he studied…came about. He immediately went to his ace of spades card- ‘I can prove God does not exist-because I can absolutely guarantee He will not show up in our discussion’
Well, in actuality, God did show up…because God desires to talk to man, to show Himself to the world in which He created and loves. See Does God Reaveal Himself to Man, Understanding God
Ps. 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
Picking Up on the Call From God
While the discussion from the individual above was geared to explain God in science, this article simply asks some very basic questions-about knowing God.
Stop for a moment and think of the most awesome aspect of nature…your favorite.
Next, think of all your friends favorite…what they believe is the most wonderful thing they have found in nature…or people-what some call Gods creation.
Now, imagine if you asked everyone on this earth the same question-we would come up with some incredible findings about our world.
There is one thing we almost all universally agree on…whoever designed, engineered, processed and maintains our universe is pretty smart and powerful. One of my favorites-giving us a unique dna code-specialized as individuals, but sharing similarities for the unity and habitation of each species. Multiplying this by millions of species and varieties ( completely alike in compatibility, but 100% different in gender -allowing for romantic bonding and reproduction 🙂 ) and then having different species co-exist in a highly woven ‘echo system’… completely blows my mind. Echo System God Reveals Himself, Life Begins
If God is So Smart
If God is so smart, would He be sooo absent minded, that He would ‘not’ introduce Himself
Just sayen, think about this.
Why would a God, in which every natural law (the go to name for Gods blueprints) provides for us a world to live in…and then maintains this world- be sooo neglectful that He would not identify-who He is. Why would He not forward us His call number? Why would He not want to ‘tag’ Himself, so to avoid all the confusion and conflicting information?
Maybe, just maybe…God does forward us His number…but ‘WE’ just need to be willing to pick up.
Maybe, just maybe…God chooses never to force one to pick up His call -cause His character includes a love so complete-absolute, it can not violate our will to respond. Link 1
How many of you would ever enter a long term relationship…if they are saying to us-I don’t want to get to know you. I like the world I live in…and I don’t want to change in order to be part of yours. I have heard some things about you I just don’t like.
Even if they were completely wrong about their idea of you…after you tried to explain to them- the truth, that you are not such a terrible person, that you really want what is best for them. You defend yourself and point out that their understanding of you is completely wrong. You try and reach out to them, to explain that there are lies going around that are simply not true etc. etc. After all the attempts to show them the correct way (the light)-if they still did not want to get to know you-would you force them? God simply cannot force an individual to accept His truth-He cannot operated outside His nature-out of Divine Love. See above links
For most of us, we operate in a similar manner. We would feel we have violated someone if we ‘tricked’ a person, coerced an individual into liking us –and in the instance of leadership… following us. This would be especially true if there was manipulation in a meaningful long lasting relationship.
Gods Genuine Call to You
On God’s end, He really does have a call going out.
2 Thes. 2:14 to this he has called you, to a life of glory with our Lord Jesus Christ. (He wants you beside Him in our glorious home in heaven forever)
1 Thes. 1:5 because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. (The Holy Spirit is Calling Us with deep convictions)
God has designed ‘our call from heaven’ to be accessible to everyone and anyone who desires to pick up
Jerm. 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world (that’s you) that He gave His only begotten Son (that’s the part that He got nailed for), that whoever believes in Him (that’s means get Him off call waiting) should not perish (that’s that part that means your sins are cleansed away… and they can’t drag you to hell) but have everlasting life (that’s the part that says He wants you in His glory…His infinite love forever).
In other words, get off call waiting and answer…see links below.
Simple Logic
I will never understand the audacity of some who say…God can’t exist, it’s all about science-what I see and can touch.
If it is all about the physical realm-what we can see and touch, than we are not allowed to have feelings (good or bad), talk of love, or if we have been hurt or grieved. If we follow this line of thinking, than one cannot tell your children or others that you care about them. You cannot say you value the meaningful times you have had with loved ones- there is no such things as fond memories of life because none of these things can be seen, evaluated, measured or tested. If life consist of of what we can see and touch…than we cancel out all meaningful emotions, thought processes, values and convictions. We have to be honest about the reality in which we live…there is no such thing as life without these interactions within us. See Do the Math
Simply stated, we all agree we are emotional beings- that operate within a physical world. Every day, every hour, every minute that we are awake-we know there are realms within us functioning in both the physical universe-and the emotional (and spiritual) one in which we live. Every time we laugh, cry, smile and have joy-proves this fact to us.
God uses this personal realm to call us. Again, this is sooo normal to understand. It is the foundation to every relationship-those we care about. The Bible calls this our soul. The psychologist call this our personality-our mind, emotion and will.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The ‘CALL’ comes from the Holy Spirit-who talks to all those willing to listen
Psalm 91:15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
He talks to our soul, to awaken another part of us… in which we call our spirit.
Romans 8:10-11 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness (our spiritual man becomes alive with Christ in us)
In other words, God calls anyone through out the entire world by His Holy Spirit-those willing to listen-and respond to His call. He will draw us to the truth, call us to the truth, so we can know Him….have an eternal relationship with Him. We all have a soul, composed of the mind, emotions and will. The Lord simply uses the Holy Spirit to call us through our soul…just like we respond to anyone we have contact with in our lives on earth. In this way, Lord can indeed ‘get a hold of’ anyone-anywhere -who is desiring to know the Sovereign God of this world. See ‘Truth’-Video
Our Part-No More Call Waiting-Pick Up Gods Call
Our part is so simple, the Lord did not want to make this complicated…it is too important. God loves us, but as stated above-His love is perfect. He cannot force us to pick up, we have to take Him off call waiting.
After reviewing all the facts given in the Bible, the Lords illustrations begin to make complete sense. Humbly going to God and asking for the truth, coming to Him as a child opens the door to your heart and allows the truth to flow in. This happens because you are giving God permission to do so.

Mark 10:15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
God and most of you know-you can’t ax a front door down to have a truly sincere, loving long term relationship 🙂
He has to have permission to come in. We have to voluntarily jump into the arms of Jesus.
Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
We Can Truly Know God by Name
Just wanted to clear up some misunderstanding we may have about the God of the Bible. Because you have read this far, I believe you will be willing to read the following links, to make your place with God secure –your eternal ticket to life forever in the Lords boundless love.
Here is the link if you have questions about the Nature of God-an attempt to answer some of the ‘whys’ about the Biblical God, who desires to be in our lives. Link
Here is the link…to pick up the call from God. It’s so exciting to know you are going to take this next step, to share eternity with you. Link
Also, scroll down to Knowing God 🙂
Hope you receive your special blessing today…one that will last forever 🙂
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