Monthly Archives: February 2014

Salvation Message

If you are truly sincere on wanting to know God, the TRUTH, then the angels in heaven are about to rejoice.  Why, because Jesus says   ‘ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of … Continue reading

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Personal Testimony

I just lost another buddy.  This thing is getting bad.  Sadly, my circle of friends was getting smaller by the month.  I wonder who will be next-hopefully not me. This is not a journal about a war vet, that honor … Continue reading

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Time line of the End Of The Age

Below is a generally timeline for the end of the age-presented by Richard Perry. Please study and research for yourself about the 4 (of the 7) Revelation seals placed outside the seven year tribulation period. I am in full agreement … Continue reading
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Revelation 3:10-Along with Matthew 24, Luke 21

An attachment to ‘The Day of the Lord Rapture, So Simply Biblical’  To best understand these important events, you may want to read the above article first.  Please pray for His direction as we seek understanding 🙂 .   Praise … Continue reading

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The Day of the Lord Rapture, So Simply Biblical

  In the mid 1980’s, I read a book “88 Reasons Why We Will Be Raptured In 1988’.  I was confused by reason 7.  Obviously, the author was also confused.  When you have correct teaching the entire Word of God … Continue reading

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Bro, It’s About the Power-Part 2

   1 Corn. 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.   1 Cor. 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.  Next verse  1 … Continue reading

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Bro, It’s About the Power-Part One

  1 Cor. 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. Satan wanted to see if Jesus would fall into his trap… Luke 4: 5-6 The devil led Him (Jesus) up to a high … Continue reading

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Turning the Light of Our Spirit On -As We Pursue The Kingdom of God

If you ever participated in drug rehabilitation counseling you would have likely witnessed a truly humbling process. It is when a ‘light’ in someone’s heart is turned on. After weeks and months of participating in group discussions, there usually is … Continue reading

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His Greatest Teaching

Ever have the Lord change the course of your life?   For most of us, it doesn’t come that often-but when it does, the out come  is simply amazing.    When I finished Bible College,  I was busy, always trying … Continue reading

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Theology General


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