Author Archives: Bill

The Way

A Story Founded on  the Truth in His Word   Ok class, you can see why Paul was being persecuted by His own people.  The Jews  named this new form of Judaism a  Nazerian sect, or what many in the … Continue reading

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Compare Our Christian Walk, Bullet or Buckshot

  How would you compare our Christian walk…One large bullet that ‘takes care of business’, or several small hits-individually working together? Let’s view what Peter says in the Word… 2 Peter 1:3-8   His divine power has given us everything we need … Continue reading

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Our Road With God-Part 1

See Our Road with God Part 2 For a long while now the Lord has had me on a path to see the importance of His purpose for the church-to advance and bring down Gods Kingdom to earth. Matthew 6:10 … Continue reading

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Kingdom of God-Victory over the demonic World

When I saw the video on the testimony of  John Ramirez  when he was in the occult, I felt it needed to be posted.   With some editing (adding Scriptures) we see how the devil could not fight against the … Continue reading

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Same Sex Marriage, The Response of the Church Part 2

Same Sex Marriage, An Interview With Jesus Part 1 Same-Sex Marriage, The Response of the Church Part 2 On part one of this article, after the supreme court ruling on same-sex marriage, I felt the Lord wanted the ‘dust to … Continue reading

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Turning Your World Right Side Up Part 3

Video Section  Here are some videos that support both the Scientific and Biblical view of creation.  The goal was to have the best videos on various topics in the shortest amount of time.   For more in depth study, please … Continue reading

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Creation-The True Story

Spent this week putting together a video on the true account for creation. Hope you enjoy.  Please see links below the video for more information. May the Lord bless you as you pursue His truth. Click picture below to link to … Continue reading

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Expect 2016

  Was with a friend tonight and had a chance to get some prayer in.   We were reviewing what we had been giving from last year and trying to put together an ‘agenda’ for this new year. As we started, … Continue reading

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A Special Christmas Wish For You

  When I see pictures like this during Christmas…it makes me want to take a minute  and just completely ‘wish’ to be there…in the snow-seeing the stars and letting all the worries and troubles vanish away. This moment would not … Continue reading

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Abiding in Him or Fighting the Evil

  John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor … Continue reading

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