Also see Scripture Part 2 Video Section Part 3
Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Not in a 1000 years would I have ever thought I would be writing this article to you today. For the first time since my ‘party life’ in my 20’s have I had a revelation that has turned my life ‘upside down’-as far as what I believed. When the truth is manifested, however, things slowly and most assuredly straighten out-life starts to look right side up. Kinda like discovering as an adult you were adopted, the things that never seemed to fit all start to make sense.
Before I begin, I want to be candid about this article. As mentioned below, what I am about to write about is-I believe-the biggest deception in the history of the physical universe. It is sooo genius and incredibly evil. When I saw how it laid the foundation for other major plans, I became so angry at its author. Evil scheming beyond anything I could have imagined and to date, so successful that many of his enemies will continue to believe him-as I did for decades.
I want to state from the beginning, I am going to throw away the Face Book time factor…please entertain me in 5 minutes or less. If we are not totally willing to surrender all our preconceived ideas about what we believe, seek the Lord with ‘all’ our heart and honestly seek the truth with multiple scriptures…meaning, work hard for His truth, then the best thing right now is to probably leave this page. You will think I have gone off the deep end, so why should we ‘go there’. I am really not trying to be harsh, the next paragraph will explain how much the Lord cares about you…it’s just that if we aren’t really willing to seek the Lord diligently about any important truth, the scripture says we (all of us) will never come to that truth.
Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth a million, so there will be different links given throughout this article to help illustrate this viewpoint.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
If you are open-minded ‘a true workman’ –and review all the scripture….if you make it to the end of this series unchanged, then you will more than likely become even stronger in your original belief. I honestly believe however, if you are open to the Word and the Holy Spirits leading, your world is about to flip. I personally think you will start to realize how wonderful and special the Lord’s plan is for us…and your world will finally begin to feel ‘right side up’.
I also at times will mention what I received in prayer, for those who are seeking the Lord in this area. When the Holy Spirit does begin to guide you, this will either confirm what He showed me…or give you the appropriate ‘caution’ flags when the wrong interpretation of scripture is taught. (Jn. 14:26)
It needs to be said I have had serious reservations about mentioning this…the deception is so far ‘out there’ I was concerned it may hurt any credibility about sharing the Gospel. I asked the Lord, what profit is there if people think I have ‘lost it’ (for many…this is old and Your gospel is hindered. In fact, some have given this advice-and I personally think it is pretty sound and wise. They cautioned to really hear from the Lord in this area.
He gave confirmation in steps. His truth is light, and yes timing is directed by the Lord (Pro. 25:11), but truth always builds upon truth…and just adds more light to life. We need never to fear seeking and discovering truth. He also said, Bill…if you don’t give this matter out to people (in my circles) who will? You could sense such deep compassion for those needing to know this…He did not want others to live the lie. I think we can relate, if the Lord gives you insight to a truth, does He not want you to help others with it? Finally, Ep. 5:11 came to remembrance. We are to know the works of the devil and expose them.
Before we start, I just wanted to express my gratitude with the true pioneers of the faith. I think of all of those Christians at the beginning of the 1900’s, bringing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit back into the church. They were mocked, ridiculed and considered ‘weird’. I was guilty for 12 years of being part of their ridicule. From their sacrifice however, I am now blessed with gifts of the Spirit that I would simply feel lost without. As with this message, others are putting out this truth with far greater boldness and understanding than anything I could consider or accomplish, they are the true pioneers.
The Holy Spirit Slowly Turning On The Light
The light started to crack into the ‘box in my head’ little by little. I thought, could this be true? For about an hour, it went back and forth. Light and doubt, but the evidence just couldn’t be contained. The Lord started with science, later obviously to be confirmed by the Word. I personally think He probably wanted me to start to change my ‘paradigm view’ via science first to show-everyone-that anyone- can see this if they just look. Scripture confirmed this later beyond anything I could have imagined, really seeing how special we are in the universe.
There were 2 things that absolutely were mind-boggling, it really shook me.
1) The magnitude of what I had believed, and how wrong it was
2) The depth of deception was beyond anything I could have ever envisioned.
These first articles will not deal extensively with the deception (evil trickery)…but with the evidence-so I would like to make a statement now on how evil works. To deceive the masses, there are a few ‘must’
a.) The higher up the chain of command, the fewer people ‘below’ have to know about the deception. They are just following orders.
b.) If you working on just ‘one piece’ of the deception (i.e. the fuse of a bomb) you will not be directly aware of the plan and use for the entire bomb. They call this compartmentalizing the lie.
c.) Mention the deception time and time again, by those with authority and the truth becomes less believable to the masses. This was true for the Kennedy assignation, the falling of the buildings on 9/11 (especially building 7) and this plot of deception.
It Started With The Science
My Nova Moment, Confirmed Airline Travel Time
Ask yourself this question. If you go and book two nonstop flights right now, one from LA to New York, and the other from New York to LA (opposite directions)…leaving at the same time..
-why do both nonstop planes land within a very short time of each other (actual booking times)…if the earth below them is moving eastward toward New York at roughly at 1000 mph Note: time, distance and alleged ‘earth speed’ are estimates ….some say the rotation for US is 900 mph (ish).
The average commercial speed of an aircraft is just below 600 mph.
The plane going from New York to LA is going 500 + mph. The ground underneath it is rushing toward it at 1000 mph. The combined speed toward LA is roughly 1500 mph. If the trip is around 3,000 ish miles, that is 2 + hr. flying time. See below
Note: Obviously, flying times will vary with listed booking times due to airport gate-boarding-taxi times, wind stream flow etc. All travel speed facts however still apply.
The plane heading east at 500 + mph should never be able to catch up with the land below it speeding past it at 1000 mph. Estimated arrival time…40 hours when the ‘globe’ laps the plane and New York comes up behind it.
Crazy yes…and so will the explanations you will be getting to explain why you should not believe the facts that you are observing.
Formulas can reveal the truth and we need to use them, but they can also do just the opposite-hide truth. This is done in 2 general ways.
1) Using incorrect applications that are given in lengthy formulas
2) Making formulas so complicated, when explained by those in authority it tends to override what we are observing to be true.
For example, formulas that work with theories, like those with gravity assume the applications in them are all correct in order to make the formula workable and true.
The problem is, these applications can be wrong and many are not verifiable.
Note: When your eyes become opened to the truth, you will notice the globalist need a ‘trick’ that will cause the scientific evidence we see every day in our world-to vanish! This ‘trick’ is the
Let’s look at gravity. This is the definitions given by the scientist in the field.
X Esoteric number. ;Then all that is multiplied by an Esoteric, hard-to-describe number that physicists call “Big G.”’
‘Kinda’ simple enough, a gravitational force between two objects equals the mass of one multiplied by the mass of the other — all divided by the square of the distance between the two objects. X Esoteric Number
You may be smart enough to figure out the first part of the equation, but then comes the ‘esoteric’ number that multiplies this equation. I love their definition of esoteric number.
A number intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest.
In other words, non-verifiable. See Neil deGrasse Tyson-leading globalist and spokesperson…admits-Scientist cannot explain gravity link.
We can ask, why a round basketball (at any height beside a mountain) does not pull toward a mountain if we hang it on a string a few feet away. Yes, the mass of the earth is great…but there is STILL NO EARTHLY EVIDENCE of gravity. If the moon is held to the earth by a gravitational orbit, why do we not ‘observe’ similar gravitation pulls by huge masses on earth?
Why does the moons ‘gravitation pull’, which is able to conquer the mighty seas and draw it back the oceans water at low tide…cannot find enough gravity to pull water in a small pond or puddle a few feet from an ocean?
The truth about gravity I believe is coming to light. Commercial pilots, engineers and those familiar with physics are starting to point out the great discrepancies. We are going back to what our Hebrew fathers believed all along (see Part 2)
There is nothing on Earth massive enough that it can be shown to cause even a dust-bunny to stick to or orbit around it! Try spinning a wet tennis ball or any other spherical object with smaller things placed on its surface and you will find that everything falls or flies off, and nothing sticks to or orbits it.
To claim the existence of a physical “law” without a single practical evidential example is hearsay, not science. ~ Eric Dubay
Again, movement can be sooo simply explained by what we can measure and observe. A greater force will move an object if the force of resistance is less. A heavier ball will go down if the air beneath it has less force. A feather that has less weight than the force of the wind beneath it will rise. If you include the measurable forces like thrust, wind resistance, buoyancy, magnetic force etc. all the movements we observe are easily explained without gravity being in the equation. A magic wand like gravity is needed to make the scientific evidence of the level stationary earth ‘disappear’ (explained in article Also see Link). If you review all the evidence given with an open mind…you will begin to see the true model of our earth.
It has been said about numerous matters…once I was awoken to the truth, deception was never able to make me blind (believe the lie) again.
The more we look into the Word about the heavens the more the Lords answers make a lot more sense. I believe the Lord wants us to stop automatically putting our total trust in what others are saying (things non-verifiable and confusing; for the Lord is not the author of confusion 1 Cor. 14:33). He does however want us to start searching after what we can understand and observe as guided by the Holy Spirit with the scriptures (Gen. 1:14)
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
This is and will become an ‘IMPORTANT COMPASS’ bearing for you. If you really want the truth in this area, start with what you can understand and what you observe. With the Holy Spirits leading, this will lead you to the truth.
As far as the plane trips above, you will have some throw in formulas of motion, inertia, gravity and everything that can’t be verified by observation. Simply, what we ‘CAN OBSERVE’ is a plane lifting off, turning in all different directions-N-S-E-W and overcoming an alleged eastward wind speed of 1000 mph. Once a plane rises and changes the direction of this ‘so-called’ 1000 mph eastward motion, it becomes an independent body.
This can be verified by observing every flying insect, bird and aircraft. Fly a plane -in equally measurable distances to the center point, say 50 miles-above pic (pic a day with no significant land wind speed that could alter the results). Travel back and forth from the central yellow point, to the N-S-E-W yellow points at the same speed. The time to fly the 50 mile distance will not change. This proves 2 things.
1) There is no gravitation force pulling the plane in any of the N-S-E-W directions, thus the plane (bird, insect, parachute etc.) is an independent body with ‘NO’ gravitation pull …in any of the ‘compass directions.’
2) The ground below the flying object is thus absolutely stationary, because the aircraft can go in all 4 (50 mile) compass directions at the same speed, and there is no ‘time difference’. (the plane is not being pulled N-S-E-W by gravity, nor is the plane trying to ‘catch up’ to a ‘moving’ earth).
There IS NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE supporting ‘ANY’ gravitational pull in the N-S-E-W directions-or ‘ANY’ motion of the earth below. What this ‘DOES PROVE’ is the earth is ‘without movement’ ‘ ‘sin movimiento’ ‘not spinning anywhere’ This cannot be disputed. See Parts 2-3 below.
“If the globe model were true, the independent flying aircraft would have the task of catching up to (and landing on) a ‘moving runway’ racing eastward at a rate that exceeds the speed of sound- Mach 1.”
Birds, parachutes etc. would have similar problems. The obvious facts are screaming to us…the world is level and stationary. Yes, for some it’s time to go into panic mode and start trying to debunk reality 🙂
The only course to change your thinking are confusing theorems that go against what you are seeing and experiencing. Again, the Lord is not the author of confusion 1 Cor. 14:33.
Simply, there is no verifiable reason why these two planes land at similar times if the earth is moving at this rate of speed. We shall soon see in part 2, the two planes listed above should arrive at similar times if we follow Gods explanation in the Word.
Note: These few examples mentioned here are just to get us to start thinking about how the Lord truly created His universe and why satan is trying to distort it. The links given at the bottom of the page will be able to give more detailed evidence.
Major Tom To Ground Control, Can You Help Me Fix The Sun…
It’s On The Wrong Side Of The Earth Again
You go on a field trip with your class, and you want to demonstrate the orbit of the earth to the sun, as shown above. You find an old stand alone building (representing the sun), place 365 markers around the building in a circle, demonstrating one day a year.
You start at figure 1, and you notice behind the building, straight ahead there is a huge lake. The sun (building) is also straight in front of you, at high noon.
You start, but before going to each day (marker) you do a one day spin, a 360-degree complete spin representing a day and night rotation. You start with your face directly toward the sun (building) at high noon. Every day you move a little closer to figure 2, each day your 360-degree spin faces you the same way, towards the lake (one complete circle, a 360-degree spin always leaves you facing the lake, anywhere in the orbit-see red arrows).
You come upon your 3-month orbit (figure 2) and everything is great. The sun is to your left, and after your 360-degree rotation, your face is still toward the lake, at high noon.
Things are going well, you are a little dizzy but your class is loving your demonstration. You make it to figure three, six months into orbit. Your rotation is still at 360 degrees, and as always, you are facing the lake at high noon, just like when you started. And then it hits you. At six months around the orbit (figure 3-above), you are facing directly away from the sun at high noon. Because you were constant with your rotation like a spinning earth should be…your high noonday is actually midnight, completely away from the sun and towards the lake. Houston, we have a problem!
Below is another pic demonstrating the impossibility of an earthly orbit. The red arrows point to the direction of the earth after the 24 hour spin (at high noon) during an annual orbit.
The powers to be go into complete damage control (you will get the Biblical ‘big picture’ later, why they set up the orbit in the first place).
So they set up a different ‘day’ than that of the 24-hour Solar ‘day’. It is called the Sidereal day, and it is set up by the ‘stars’, not the sun. See link
Conveniently, this day is about 4 minutes shorter than a 24-hour solar day- and like a magic wand, after your 6-month orbit, it slows the earth down by 12 hours and you have your high noon facing the sun again.
The reason given, and I quote…
Because the Earth moves around the sun as it rotates, the sun’s position changes relative to the stars. * Please see important fn. 1
Ok, now you are expecting us to believe the suns complete axis, with a mass 333,000 times greater than the earth, can be shifted by one if it’s 9 planets-93 million miles away.
Remember your compass; is this is really understandable, observable and verifiable?? I can’t wait to get to the Word of the Lord and show how special this earth really is…part 2.
Oh, by the way, the problem with this is we still have the original problem. Are our clocks on the Solar day or Sidereal day? There is roughly a 4 minutes difference…they can’t be set on both. Before our ‘atomic time’ did you ever hear of Big Bend, built-in 1859 adjusting 4 minutes a day for Sidereal time. What about our quartz clocks and the clocks on walls run by batteries- Sidereal or Solar time? That’s almost 30 minutes every week that all the clocks around the world would be conflicting with each other.
Now let’s get back to the yearly orbit. If we are on a Solar 24 hour day, we still have our field trip problem above… ‘high noons’ turn into midnight…not good. If we are on the Sidereal time, our field trip is fixed because they slowed the day by 4 minutes-ish..and after 6 months a 12-hour slowdown shifts the earth back toward facing the sun. Huge problem NASA! You fixed our field trip but have messed up the entire solar system. On Sidereal time, after 6 months the earth slows down 12 hours…and after a year…that’s right-24 hours… one day. Now you are explaining that there are 364 days a year, not 365 (and a fraction for leap year)…as you say. It throws everything off! This schedule over a few centuries would rotate the equinox and solstice days, along with the seasons- hot summer dates turning to cold and winter -turning hot. For the true yearly cycle in the firmament is still at 365 days (as calculated through all recorded history) which would make the 364 day year one day short of an orbital completion. Each year, there would be an additional 24-hour delay-causing the seasons to be constantly shifting.
You ‘say’ you can calculate the spinning earth to a millisecond, send spacecraft to rendezvous with orbiters, calculate the distance to the sun and stars in light-years, but cannot resolve how many minutes are in a day and how many days are in the year.
Maybe it’s time for the world to realize the Biblical explanation of the sun moon and stars. We are not an insignificant spec of dust in the middle of a nowhere universe!
The curvature of the Earth
If you go to Google to get the formula for the curvature of the earth (the drop measured below the horizon), you will more than likely get
Distance in miles X 8 (represented in inches) = drop in inches.
If we lived on a pyramid, this formula would be accurate. As you can see from the above pic however, if you were on an airplane above the earth (the top of the triangle), the curved sphere has much greater curvature than a flat slope or pyramid. It takes a few pages down in google to get another simple formula called the Pythagorean Theorem, it gives the accurate formula for the curvature for the earth. This formula is not disputed by NASA.
Miles away sq x 8= drop in inches (divided by 12= ft. divided 5280 =miles)
Simply take any distance in miles, multiply it by itself X 8 and you get the distance in inches. You want the drop in feet, just divide by 12. In miles, divide by 5280…that is how many feet are in a mile.
Need an example, you are 10 miles from a building on a clear day where visibility is not a factor. You want to know how many feet that building should ‘drop’ by the curvature of the earth. (see above drawing)
10 miles sq. = 100 x 8 = 800 inch. Divided by 12 = 66 ft. If you are 10 miles away, you should not be able to see any 50 ft. tree, building etc. on level ground. Again, if you look at the above pic, even if you were aided by a telescope, the 50 ft. object would not be visible. You would be able to see anything in a straight line of view better (i.e. birds, clouds etc., ) but a telescope would not be able to ‘resurrect’ and object that is ‘bent over’ the curve of the earth.
This is what we should see on earth. In the distance, trees and buildings bending back and fading out of view.
In reality, this is what we do see.
Good Summary of NASA Link.
What about the ‘ship in the distance’ fading out of view
The video below shows how a ship disappears and ‘miraculously’ resurrects with a telescope, something that should be impossible because of the curvature of the earth (see above pic- neat video on Ships-Horizon Line)
Everything on land and sea has a ‘vanishing point’. If you are an artist, you learn to draw these lines early on.
Here is a picture, not of a ship ‘vanishing’ downward at sea, but a road ‘vanishing’ upward on land. They both vanish at the horizon from our perspective with distance.
One of the best ways to distinguish if an object ‘vanishes’ by the curvature of the earth or reduces in size because of distance, is with a telescope.
If you watch a ship on a clear day (or an object moving away from you on land) become too small to see, then view this object at a similar distance with a telescope. If that object is not to be found than this is evidence for the curvature of the earth.
If the object comes back in view than the object is not ‘magically’ resurrected from the curve of the earth, but through the advantage of the telescope, the distance has been reduced and the ‘vanishing point’ has been brought closer.
Water Level and the Curvature of the Earth
All free-flowing water will flow to the lowest point in the area it is contained in. Punch a hole in a bucket of water, the water will flow out until the level at the hole. The water will also have a relatively flat appearance (if no other forces interfere). You can even connect containers with pipes, and the water will level out evenly at its lowest point (see below). The Ancient Romans knew this, and they set up aquifers throughout the city. This is how we have water pressure for the shower, the water in the water tower is trying to ‘level out’. Let’s continue with this principle.
-Say that you have a fiberglass pool or spa come in on a truck and you want to test it, to see if there is a leak. Like the bucket above, if there is a hole or crack in it, you know the water will flow out to the lower point of the leak and level out.
-If you have been to the mountains you have noticed the beautiful streams flowing down to the lakes. The same principle. Thousands of miles of rivers flow down to their lowest points to a reservoir.
-An overflow drainage pipe for a pond has this same concept in use.
-Everything to date verifies water does indeed follow these same characteristics. But now you are going to test it. Similar to the Alaskan Pipeline, you are going to take a flexible pipe and run it evenly over the ground for 3 miles. You laser it to make sure it is straight, correcting any land variances. When you finished, the pipe is full of water, straight, open at the top. Kinda of looks like a straight version of a water slide structure.
We already calculated the simple formula that NASA and engineers use (see above) for a ten-mile drop, now we do it for 3 miles (3 mi. x 3 mi= 9. 9 x 8= 72 in. or 6ft). Since you made the pipe flexible, like a bow you evenly drop the ends totaling 6 ft., representing the curvature of the earth.
Do you bet the house the water stays in the highest point in the bow-shaped pipe, or rushes toward the lower end? You will tell me that water will not stay at the top of the ‘bow’ or hump, it will start to exit until it levels out at it’s lowest point.
What we have observed throughout the entire earth goes against what is needed to hold water in open seas on a spherical globe. A body of water cannot be naturally curved or ‘humped’ in a sphere (as with the bow-shaped pipe), but will level out in a flat plane. Whether the container is small, medium or large, water levels out and will go to it’s the lowest point. This is true for a bucket, river, lake, bayou, sea or ocean. Thus the ocean from London to New York will seek to be level and come to rest on a flat plane. Again, our compass. There is not a 1,500 mile high ‘magically restrained’ hump of water from New York to London (based upon NASA curvature numbers). What you have observed with every body of water you have seen and tested, you know will be true with the body of water from London to New York. The water will naturally be level and seek its lowest point. This over a thousand-mile high ‘hump’ is really not magical at all but imaginary…so glad we both are seeing the difference. 🙂
While the true and tested principles for the flow of water does not fit the spherical ball model, they do absolutely ‘conform’ to the model stated in the Bible and agreed upon by the origins of all civilizations