Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Should We Preach. Following the Lords Example

Post updated.   Tough act to follow.   As we know about Jesus however, He would be incredibly understanding and probably just say…Be yourself and speak what My Father tells you. 1 Peter 4:11   If anyone speaks (as when preaching), … Continue reading

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Does God Really Reveal Himself to Man? His Creation Speaks

OK God, if You are really out there…I will put You in my speed dial and ring You up. One of the main arguments for not being able to know God is –Where is the proof, show me God-so I … Continue reading

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Prophetic Update-One Nation Under God

11/15/17 Around two years ago, the Lord started to speak prophecies by various individuals-which turned out to be more that true. The Lord says He will send His ‘movements’-spoken word– through His prophets Amos 3:7   Surely the Sovereign LORD does … Continue reading

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End of the World 9-23-2017?…not so fast! A summary of Prophetic Events

  You have probably heard the news, all the talk about catastrophic events-mostly from those claiming the Bible is teaching our last days are approaching by the end of this week. The Bible does indeed give us scriptures on the … Continue reading

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Final Update 9/16/17-Jesus Quiets the Storm, Joining the Fight to Quiet Hurricane Irma

    Note:  Please see update on bottom 9-9-17-and final update 9/16/17. As Hurricane Irma approaches Florida and the east coast, wanted to get a quick post out  to pray against this storm. As usual, it is worth the extra … Continue reading

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John 5:19 The Son can do nothing, Only What He sees from the Father

  Powerful statement.  Let’s look at the complete verse. Truly, Truly I say unto you.   The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father doing.   For whatever the Father does, the Son does in the same … Continue reading

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9-11 Repeated in Tehran

VIDEO Felt the Lord wanted this video to get out, connecting 9-11  and the deep state with other countries now doing the same.  9-11 Tehran link. Feel free to comment or send your questions. God bless, Bill

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Keeping The Love In Like

John 15:13   Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Like is one thing, love can be… at times something completely different.   Like is usually what we enjoy-love is something we do … Continue reading

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Hebrews 4:12 The Sword of Truth for Our Lives, Churches and Government

Hebrews 4:12   For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. This election period we … Continue reading

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Our Road God #2 Uniting His Greatest and First Commandments-Our Greatest Lesson

See Our Road With God, Part 1.    The Greatest Commandment   Matthew 22:36-38   Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37   Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and … Continue reading

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