Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Abortion Question P-1 New York’s Reproduction Act

Abortion, the very mention of this topic causes the blood to boil on both sides of the issue, eyes to bulge and voices to accuse.    To change one’s view, one would need a mountain of evidence, a truck load of … Continue reading

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Quick Topic

QUICK TOPIC ABORTION  Part 1  Abortion, What We All Agree On   2-19 Part 2 How Special We ‘All’ are in Gods Eyes   2-19 Part 3  The Ethical Questions Answered  2-19 Abortion-To Those Who are Pro-Life   7-22 BAPTISM OF THE … Continue reading

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The Great Awakening, Prophetic Beginning 12-15-18

As mentioned in previous articles,  for generations  individuals from government (presidents, congress, judges etc.) along with military and private corporate chiefs have been warning us about a global agenda coming from what many call ‘the cabal’ or deep state and … Continue reading

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When My People Humble Themselves and Pray

  Ephesians 6:12   For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wanted to share a  post about the ‘battle’ in … Continue reading

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John 3:30 He Must Increase, I Must Decrease

John the Baptist summarizes his life in 6 simple words 🙂     At Bible college, the teachers really enjoyed studying the Apostle Paul’s ‘great  theological’ books.   Some even implied the gospels were not that interesting-too simple for great minds.   Well, I … Continue reading

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Is. 5:20-Calling Good Evil, Evil Good -Living in the Light and Avoiding the Darkness

Isaiah 5:20  Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness …. I was having a conversation with someone a while ago…about the two major views that are taking place … Continue reading

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God is Calling, Are We Ready to Pick Up

 A while ago I met someone who in my opinion would be labeled as a genius.   He had degrees from ‘academia’…but was also self taught in aerodynamics and engineering.   While he came across a bit ornery-lol-I really enjoyed talking to … Continue reading

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The Judge Kavanaugh Hearing-Demanding True Justice

Whatever happened to…innocent  until proven guilty.   In reality, we could put it this way…. I won’t destroy your life until the truth is  brought to light. Here is an article by the New York Post that supports the topic points … Continue reading

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Great Awakening, Bringing Darkness to Light 9/16/18

If you take the time and research You Tube, and tag…The Great Awakening and the 2016 Election, sealed indictments, Mark Taylor prophecies, Q Anon, Deep State in a panic… this will lead you to a army  of millions that have … Continue reading

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Prayer Our Jacobs Stairway to Heaven

When we are born into the family of God, we are seated with Christ and share in His blessings. Ephesians 1:3   Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly … Continue reading

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