The Abortion Question P-1 New York’s Reproduction Act

Abortion, the very mention of this topic causes the blood to boil on both sides of the issue, eyes to bulge and voices to accuse. To change one’s view, one would need a mountain of evidence, a truck load of conviction and maybe just ‘a little’ open-mindedness.
As most of you know, this article will be written from the ‘pro-life’ viewpoint, but it is not intended to hurl accusations to those who disagree. This topic is too important to offend those who sincerely desire to be correct…justified in what they believe. As with any belief, if ones reviews the opposing arguments and your viewpoint still holds true…then you simply become stronger in the truth-and are even more skilled in defending it. Truth seekers-desire not to live in a lie, or the like…live in denial. Living in denial not only hurts ourselves, but even more importantly, encourages the many around our sphere of influence to follow in our footsteps. This hurts them and makes us accountable to those we have influenced negatively.
For those who disagree with the Pro Life position, I would like to invite you to continue reading and gather information. Again, this will support your viewpoint when (and if) you find the errors that are mentioned here. Truth will always birth the evidence, when it is given in a complete and inclusive manner.
What We Agree On
This next section will focus on what we agree on. It starts by both of us agreeing … that this is a very important life matter, and we need to get to ‘the truth’ of it. We do not want to be on the wrong side of such an important social issue that would allow individuals to be stripped of their rights, or deny someone the ability to carry out their life –as they think is best for them.
We ‘ALL AGREE’ on certain facts, what they call in the science community empirical evidence (evidence that is gathered by experimentation-that can be verified by having the same results-tested multiple times).
Some results will fluctuate on the sensitivity of the equipment in use…and also from the accuracy of the information given to those doing the testing. Please verify the results yourselves from multiple resources.
The development of the baby inside the womb is documented by EHD and distributed National Geographic. Link
These institutions are reporting the facts- and as we know, National Geographic is well known at reporting its findings, without bias toward any one view.
Note: This next section presents the developmental stages of the fetus and does not discuss the reasons ‘why’ someone might hold to one view or another. Please review the next sections to sincerely consider the reasons for or against abortion. Part 2 , Part 3
The First 24 Hours of Fertilization
1) When the egg is first fertilized, the union is call a zygote. The father and mother contribute 23 each of their own chromosomes of their reproductive cells.
2) The rapid development of the baby begins (yes, some use different names for this individual).
3) The zygote’s 46 chromosomes represent the unique first edition of a new individual’s complete genetic blueprint. This master plan resides in tightly coiled molecules called DNA. They contain the instructions for the development of the entire body. The DNA of a single cell contains so much information that if it were represented in printed words, simply listing the first letter of each base would require over 1.5 million pages of text!
4) The ‘coded’ messages to replicate cells into groups and organs (called mitosis) –has begun. (the firs cell division occurs between 24-30 hours). The ‘pregnancy hormone’ that can detect if a woman is pregnant can start as early as 24-48 hours.
First Week
1) By 3 to 4 days after fertilization, the dividing cells of the embryo assume a spherical shape and the embryo is called a morula.
2) The cells inside the blastocyst are called the inner cell mass and give rise to the head, body, and other structures vital to the developing human.
3) Cells within the inner cell mass are called embryonic stem cells because they have the ability to form each of the more than 200 cell types contained in the human body.
1 to 1½ Weeks
1) The placenta delivers maternal (from the mother) oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and medications to the developing human; removes all waste products; and prevents maternal blood from mixing with the blood of the embryo and fetus. (The ‘Life Connection’ between the mother and child begins)
2) The placenta also produces hormones and maintains embryonic and fetal body temperature slightly above that of the mother’s.
3) The placenta communicates with the developing human through the vessels of the umbilical cord.
4) The life support capabilities of the placenta rival those of intensive care units found in modern hospitals.
3 Weeks
1) The heart begins beating 3 weeks and 1 day following fertilization. The ‘circulatory system’ is the first to receive a fully functional state.
2) The brain is dividing into 3 primary sections called the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
3) Development of the respiratory, nervous and digestive systems is also underway.
3-4 Weeks
1) Between 3 and 4 weeks, the body plan emerges as the brain, spinal cord, and heart of the embryo are easily identified alongside the yolk sac.
2) Rapid growth causes folding of the relatively flat embryo. This process incorporates part of the yolk sac into the lining of the digestive system and forms the chest and abdominal cavities of the developing human.
4-6 weeks
1) Red and white bloods cells are starting to co exist together
2) the diaphragm for breathing is largely formed
3) limbs begin to become established
4) the skin coating starts to be seen
5) the respiratory system, the right and left main stem bronchi are present
6) the liver and kidneys are developed and identified
6-8 Weeks
1) The embryo begins to make spontaneous and reflexive movements. Such movement is necessary to promote normal neuromuscular development.
2) A touch to the mouth area causes the embryo to reflexively withdraw its head.
3) Intestines, hand bone structure is forming.
4) Detection of brain waves begin.
5) Elbows, fingers and hand movement begin
6) Hiccups have been observed at 7 weeks
7) The chambers in the heart are now complete, electrical wave pattern is similar to the adult heart.
8) For females, reproductive ovaries are now identifiable.
9) Retina and eyelids are evident
10) Knee joints, hands and feet now can now function and join together
8 Weeks
1) Breathing motions (practice) begins…movement of breath occurs, even before external oxygen is present.
2) Kidneys are functioning, releasing urine in the amniotic fluid
3) Eyebrows grow
4) During this time (the first 8 weeks) , the human embryo has grown from a single cell into the nearly 1 billion cells which form over 4,000 distinct anatomic structures.
5) The embryo now possesses more than 90% of the structures found in adults.
8-12 Weeks
1) By 9 weeks, thumb sucking begins and the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid.
2) The fetus can also grasp an object, move the head forward and back, open and close the jaw, move the tongue, sigh, and stretch.
3) Nerve receptors in the face, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet can sense light touch.
4) In response to a light touch on the sole of the foot, the fetus will bend the hip and knee and may curl the toes.
5) A burst of growth between 9 and 10 weeks increases body weight by over 75%.
6) The fetus yawns and often opens and closes the mouth.
7) Fingernails and toenails begin to develop.
8) Unique fingerprints appear 10 weeks after fertilization. These patterns can be used for identification throughout life.
9) By 11 weeks the nose and lips are completely formed. As with every other body part, their appearance will change at each stage of the human life cycle.
10) Though sex is determined at fertilization, external genitalia can now be distinguished as male or female.
3-4 months
1) Between 11 and 12 weeks, fetal weight increases nearly 60%.
2) Distinct taste buds now cover the inside of the mouth.
3) Bowel movements begin as early as 12 weeks and continue for about 6 weeks.
4) The limbs are nearly proportional to the birthing size
5) Most of the developing baby is now able to respond to even the lightest of touch
6) Although movement begins at six weeks, the mother now feels the independent movement of the baby
4-6 Months
1) Recorded hormonal stress response is recorded when a surgical needle is introduced inside the baby’s stomach.
2) In the respiratory system, the bronchial tree is now nearly complete.
3) By 20 weeks the cochlea, which is the organ of hearing, has reached adult size within the fully developed inner ear. From now on, the fetus will respond to a growing range of sounds.
4) Hair begins to grow on the scalp.
5) All skin layers and structures are present, including hair follicles and glands.
6) By 24 weeks the eyelids reopen and the fetus exhibits a blink-startle response. This reaction to sudden, loud noises typically develops earlier in the female fetus.
7) By 21 to 22 weeks after fertilization, the lungs gain some ability to breathe air. This is considered the age of viability because survival outside the womb becomes possible for some fetuses. End of the research page distributed by National Geographic.
In other words, by 22 weeks, any pregnant mother in 46 states (and Washington DC) can-for any reason, abort a child that is able to sustain life outside of the womb. See Link
Not all of these premature babies at this early stage will survive, but all have the potential to survive and live healthy lives outside the womb. 10 states and Washing DC now allow for full term abortions…in which case a fully developed independent infant can be given a life terminating procedures (yes…trying to stay neutral on my terminology so we can review the evidence). The information given from the above resources are facts. While laws in given states may vary in the future, the facts given about infant development within the mother cannot be disputed. The most experienced doctor in any abortion clinic will agree with these statistics. Thank you for reviewing this portion of the article, it is time now to consider the reasons why someone would choose a pro-life or pro-choice position.
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